She Said by Jodi Kantor & Megan Twohey

She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement

She Said by Jodi Kantor & Megan Twohey
There is so much to unpack with this book. Forst, I’m so grateful to Jodi & Megan for all the hours & hard work they put into researching this story. Bravo to the New York Times as well. While listening to this, I often think of the many times this story could have ended up nowhere. I’m so grateful for the perseverance of these two journalists. More than that, I’m in admiration of all the women who stepped forward to share their stories.
Believe Women
One of the things I enjoy about She Said is it starts & ends with the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford. Her testimony & bravery to come forward is immeasurable. It’s a time I will remember in history for the remainder of my life. Jodi & Megan give readers a more in-depth look at Blasey Ford’s journey to come forward.
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I am really into this book! After reading Catch & Kill, I thought there’s not a lot to the story I don’t know. Yet, the way Jodi & Megan present the story is really interesting. Truly, I found their reporting to be clear, objective & focused on the victims and their stories. Listening to Jodi & Megan’s journalism process is incredibly interesting. I’m very happy to discuss this one with our Instagram Buddy Read group #reallyintoallthetruecrime
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