The Story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg Book Review

The Story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg Book Review
The lowdown from Goodreads
Publication Date November 21, 2017
A beautiful, life-affirming novel about a remarkably loving man who creates for himself and others second chances at happiness.
A moving novel about three people who find their way back from loss and loneliness to a different kind of happiness. Arthur, a widow, meets Maddy, a troubled teenage girl who is avoiding school by hiding out at the cemetery, where Arthur goes every day for lunch to have imaginary conversations with his late wife, and think about the lives of others. The two strike up a friendship that draws them out of isolation. Maddy gives Arthur the name Truluv, for his loving and positive responses to every outrageous thing she says or does. With Arthur’s nosy neighbor Lucille, they create a loving and unconventional family, proving that life’s most precious moments are sweeter when shared.
The Story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg Book Review
Why in the world did I wait so long to read this wonderful book? If you’re thinking the same thing, don’t wait any longer. You’ve got to read it!
We All Need a Champion Like Arthur Truluv
Arthur is just the best. He’s a kind, generous soul & thinking of him now makes me smile. Arthur is nursing his broken heart & pining for his deceased wife. Their love is something out of a storybook. He visits her every day & sits & talks with her.
I found this to be incredibly special. When your life partner is gone, their absence is like a deep wound. You have to tend to it very carefully & with love & attention. Arthur does just that as he updates his wife on his day to day life while visiting the cemetery. Their love carries on & my old cynical heart lives for it.
We Should All Look For Our Maddy
The cemetery is where he meets Maddy. She is struggling but she & Arthur are meant to help one another. While Maddy gives him an outlet to focus his kind nature, she begins to accept his love & kindness at the time she needs it most.
I love getting to be a part of their wonderful relationship. We meet kindred spirits all the time. If we look around, there is likely someone that needs us just as much as we need them. Perhaps we could all find our own Maddy & Arthur.
I am Really Into This book. As soon as I finished The Story of Arthur Truluv, I wanted to read it again. Luckily for me, part of Arthur’s story returns in Night of Miracles. I can’t wait to read it!
Special thanks to Elizabeth Berg, Random House & NetGalley for providing our copy in exchange for an honest & fair review.
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I was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on December 2, 1948, in a hospital that has been torn down, which I’m pretty steamed about. When I was three years old, my father reenlisted in the Army, and I spent my growing up years moving around a lot—twice, I went to three schools in a single academic year. You can understand my dilemma when people ask me where I’m from. My usual answer is “Um…..nowhere?”
I’ve loved books and reading from the time my mother began reading to me, and I’ve loved writing ever since I could hold a pencil. I submitted my first poem to American Girl magazine when I was nine years old. It was rejected, and it took twenty-five years before I submitted anything again. Then, I entered a contest in a magazine and won. I wrote for magazines for ten years, then moved into novels and haven’t stopped yet. I usually do a book a year. I’ve won a number of awards, which are listed elsewhere in the interest of false modesty.
Before I became a writer, I was a registered nurse for ten years, and that was my “school” for writing—taking care of patients taught me a lot about human nature, about hope and fear and love and loss and regret and triumph and especially about relationships–all things that I tend to focus on in my work. I worked as a waitress, which is also good training for a writer, and I sang in a rock band which was not good for anything except the money I made. I was a dramatic and dreamy child, given to living more inside my head than outside, something that persists up to today and makes me a terrible dining partner. I have two daughters and three grandchildren. I live with my excellent dog, Gabigail Starletta Buttons, and my cat, Gracie Louise Pawplay, near Chicago, even though what I really want to do is live on a hobby farm with lots of animals, including a chicken, I’m dying for a chicken. . The animals would like you to know they did not get to vote on their names. Or on the food they eat.