When You Disappeared by John Marrs Book Review

When You Disappeared by John Marrs Book Review
The lowdown from Goodreads
Publication Date July 13, 2017
When Catherine wakes up alone one morning, she thinks her husband has gone for a run before work. But Simon never makes it to the office. His running shoes are by the front door. Nothing is missing—except him.
Catherine knows Simon must be in trouble. He wouldn’t just leave her. He wouldn’t leave the children.
But Simon knows the truth—about why he left and what he’s done. He knows things about his marriage that it would kill Catherine to find out. The memories she holds onto are lies.
While Catherine faces a dark new reality at home, Simon’s halfway around the world, alive and thriving. He’s doing whatever it takes to stay one step ahead of the truth.
But he can’t hide forever, and when he reappears twenty-five years later, Catherine will finally learn who he is.
And wish she’d stayed in the dark.
When You Disappeared by John Marrs Book Review
When You Disappeared is my first John Marrs book & it certainly won’t be my last. I love any book with a George Michael reference.
Do You Ever Think He Just Won’t Come Back?
Years ago, my husband was a stay at home dad. He took care of both kids, cleaned, did the laundry, ran errands & much more. He was & is the backbone of our household. One time, we had a particularly difficult morning loading up while traveling with my Aunt. We were all loaded in the car & my husband ran into the hotel to check us out. He was gone for a Really long time & my Aunt asked me in a joking way, “Do you ever think he just won’t come back?”
Your Husband is Gone
He did eventually come back to the car & we had an enjoyable trip. Luckily, have a spouse that I love & trust. But, so did Catherine. As a reader, when I put myself in Catherine’s place I can’t breathe. You’ve got kids, a house, bills & your husband disappears without a trace. The police arrive, your in-laws are suspicious & your children need their father. He’s still missing & you’re left to take care of your family- alone.
John Marrs Hooked Me
When You Disappeared is a quick read that is fast-paced & keeps you invested in learning why Simon disappeared. What is he hiding? Did his fatherly roles take a toll on him & he couldn’t hang anymore? Is he just an awful person that did his family a favor by leaving them behind? John Marrs hooked me early on & layered this story so well. The ending had my stomach doing flips. The intense pace of When You Disappeared was reminiscent of The Marriage Pact, which Jessica & I both enjoyed.
I was Really Into This book. It’s just what I want when something is billed as a “psychological thriller.” I winced, I was on the edge of my seat & I didn’t see the ending coming- at all!
Special thanks to John Marrs, Thomas & Mercer & NetGalley for providing our copy in exchange for an honest & fair review.
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John Marrs is a freelance journalist based in London, England, who has spent the last 20 years interviewing celebrities from the world of television, film and music for national newspapers and magazines.
He has written for publications including The Guardian’s Guide and Guardian Online; OK! Magazine; Total Film; Empire; Q; GT; The Independent; Star; Reveal; Company; Daily Star and News of the World’s Sunday Magazine.
His debut novel The Wronged Sons, was released in 2013 and in May 2015, he released his second book, Welcome To Wherever You Are. On May 4, 2017 comes his third novel, The One.
When You Disappeared by John Marrs Book Review