G.A. McKevett Author Q & A

G.A. McKevett Author Q & A
Fresh off the heels of publishing Murder in Her Stocking, a brand new mystery series, G.A. McKevett aka Sonja Massie sits down with Sarah & answers some of her burning questions. You already know we have you covered in this spoilers free discussion. Hope you enjoy this Q & A with G.A. McKevett!
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer a few of my questions! As someone who is new to your writing, I just want to say how much I enjoyed meeting all your wonderful characters. Granny Reid is really something & I cannot wait to read more about her & her adventures.
I’m so glad I discovered your great website! Books, food, fashion, fun. Doesn’t get better than that. Thank you for having me.
One of the things I love about Granny (Stella) Reid is her ability to keep moving forward & to get the job done. What is your favorite thing about Stella?
For me personally, I believe Stella’s most endearing quality is her strength when it comes to defending those more vulnerable than herself. Her dedication to protecting innocents from those who would hurt them never wavers. Not even when doing so puts her in danger. It isn’t that she’s foolishly fearless. She’s smart enough to realize when she’s putting herself in harm’s way. But she has the strength to push her instinctive fear aside and do what’s necessary in spite of the personal risk.
Granny Reid is a hero in my eyes. She takes on the large task of raising her grandchildren & she leads by example. Do you have anyone in your life similar to Granny Reid?
I’ve been blessed to have numerous strong, heroic women in my life. My mother comes to mind foremost. Mom had an extremely difficult life, but most of the memories I have of her are of her puttering around the house, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and singing all the while. When tragedy struck others, she was there, standing quietly by, offering strength, comfort, and practical assistance without fanfare or even an expectation of gratitude. On her darkest days, she always managed to generate her own soul-warming sunshine, and she saw the light in others. She brought out the best in every person and situation she encountered. I call that “heroism.”
I loved meeting the Reid grandkids as well as many of Granny Reid’s friends. Are there any relationships introduced in MURDER IN HER STOCKING that you’re really excited about exploring in the remainder of the series?
Stella’s relationship with Sheriff Manny Gilford intrigues me. I’m very interested to see where that goes. I’m also enjoying the Stella/Elsie friendship. The second book of the series explores some tragic commonalities between the two women. Uncovering some dark chapters of their families’ histories will bring the two friends even closer together.
While the Savannah Reid series begins in Southern California, Granny’s story begins in Georgia. Are there any aspects of using the Georgia setting you’re looking forward to?
I simply love Georgia – from the fragrant pines of Atlanta to the moss lace that drapes Savannah’s historic parks, it’s just so romantic on so many levels. What a lovely setting to “live in” while writing this series! Then there’s the food: peach cobblers, pecan pies, mint juleps…ahhh.
As someone raised in the Southern US, your dialogue in MURDER IN HER STOCKING is spot on! Do you have any well-loved Southern phrases?
Yes, “Southern” is my native tongue. I find Southernisms colorful, humorous, descriptive and charming. (Most of them.) Some of my favorites? Well, a few come to mind: Graceful as a hog on ice. Useful as a screen door in a submarine. I’ll slap ya neckid and hide yer clothes. Grinnin’ like a goat eatin’ briars. Pull your skirt down, Mildred; we can see all the way to Christmas! And…her cornbread ain’t quite baked in the middle, but she is who she is, bless ‘er heart.
MURDER IN HER STOCKING has a wonderful Christmas feel. Can we expect more holiday-themed Granny Reid mysteries?
Let’s see…the first is Christmas. The second one, which I’m writing now, is Halloween. There just might be a trend here. I’m not sure. Have to talk to my editor about that. I do love holidays, so it’s a possibility.
When you’re not working on your next novel, what sort of things are you Really Into?
While I enjoy traveling and socializing, I’m very much a homebody. A few of my favorite things are: my family (especially my grandangels), firelight and candlelight, holiday celebrations, soup in the crockpot, bread in the oven, autumn, snow falling softly, dogs and kitties, soft socks, cozy sweaters, making jewelry, painting, beaded needlework, good television (especially BBC shows), music of all sorts, and books that carry you away to exotic places with characters you love, whose problems are worse than your own.
I really enjoyed MURDER IN HER STOCKING & I’m always excited to find a new series. What can readers look forward to in your Granny Reid Mystery Series?
I’m so glad you are “Really Into” it! I’m looking forward to leisurely exploring your website, too. I hope my faithful Savannah Reid Mysteries fans will enjoy seeing how Savannah and her siblings were shaped into the adults they are in the Savannah books. I’ve often been amazed to see how ill-equipped, negligent parents can turn out sterling children, while highly-skilled, actively involved parents can wind up with wayward offspring. Sometimes, the results are a mix; one kid wins the Nobel prize, and the other robs banks. In spite of Granny Reid’s efforts to treat her grandkids equally, she had the same varied results. For those who enjoy a romantic subplot, I hope they like the “Will They or Won’t They?” relationship between Stella and Manny. Personally, I love writing these two complimentary, yet “stand alone” series. Interweaving the backstory of the Granny books with the current day Savannahs is a challenge, but most fulfilling for me as an author. I’m grateful to my publisher, Kensington, and my editor, John Scognamiglio, for the opportunity to do so.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions. We really appreciate the opportunity to be early readers & spread the love for the Granny Reid Mystery series. What’s the best way for readers to contact you?
I’ve enjoyed your thoughtful questions and so happy you invited me. Best of luck with your wonderful website. I can’t wait to check out your reviews, fashion tips, recipes, and so much more! I enjoy hearing from fans and can be reached through my website: http://gamckevett.com/index.html, email: sonjamassie@aol.com, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gwendolynnarden.mckevett, and Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamckevett.
This interview was so much fun & we are Really Into This book! You can check out our full review for Murder in Her Stocking right here. We can’t wait to read Granny Reid’s other adventures.
Special thanks to G. A. McKevett & Kensington Books for providing our copy in exchange for an honest & fair review.
Let’s connect with books! We have all of our reviews on Goodreads!
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G.A. McKevett is the author of the acclaimed Savannah Reid mystery series. Also writing under the name Sonja Massie, she has authored over 60 books ranging from cozy mysteries to historical romances, to nonfiction works on the history of Ireland. Her earthy humor and fast-paced plots delight her fans, while critics applaud her offbeat characterizations and incisive observations on human nature. Irish by ancestry, she has lived in Toronto, Ireland and Los Angeles, but now resides in New York. Readers can visit her online at SonjaMassie.com.

One Comment
Awesome Q&A! I’m definitely in the “will they” camp for Stella and Manny. They have such a sweet relationship. So glad to hear that we’ll see more of Elsie in future books, too! Loved her.