Rainbow Mason Jar Salad
As you know, I am Really Into Mason Jar Salads. The challenge is not getting bored eating the same thing every day of the week, so I am always trying different ideas. So far I have given you the Asian and the Greek salads, which are two of my favorites. This week I am giving you something simple – the Rainbow Mason Jar Salad. It’s colorful, beautiful, delicious and healthy. It is also easy to prepare. Let’s start with the ingredient line up.
I made a simple Balsamic Vinaigrette because it goes well all the ingredients, especially the blueberries.
Feel free to use any type of mustard you like. Normally i use a Dijon, but I had this Napa Valley Smoky Mustard in my fridge and went for it. Use two parts oil to one part vinegar and the rest of the ingredients to taste (including salt and pepper). I decided to bring Mark in to mix up my dressing. I’m calling this the balsamic shake, best done wearing a Lone Star Beer Shirt!
When I made the last batch of salads, I cut up all of my ingredients beforehand and then assembled. This was a mistake. I was short on some ingredients, had too much of others, and was irritated when I had to go back and chop more veggies! This time I chopped as I went, that way it was easier to gauge how much was going in each jar, and if I needed more I chopped it right then and there. As with all Mason Jar Salads, the dressing goes first. I recommend measuring your dressing out because it is very easy to over or under dress. I find that two tablespoons is enough for most people, but use three if you like a little extra.
Because this is a Rainbow Salad, I tried to go in ROY G BIV order as best I could. Tomatoes first!
I am once again using the Nature Sweet Cherubs cut in half. If you want them whole, go for it!
I am always vacillating between convenience and price. With the carrots, convenience definitely won.
Next I used yellow bell peppers, which I love. I decided to chop these small, but they are just as good in bigger slices (not to mention a little less work).
In ROY G BIV land, the lettuce would be next, but we all know lettuce goes in the top of Mason Jar Salads, so I skipped over and went for the Blueberries next. These happened to be really ripe, sweet berries and complimented the salad perfectly. They are soooo goooood with balsamic vinegar.
There really aren’t too many indigo foods, so i skipped it. I know, I know – I am such a cheater. I also wanted to save the purple cabbage to stack underneath the lettuce, so the next layer is mozzarella. These balls of cheese are like the cloud to your rainbow. A really delicious cloud.
I buy the pearled mozzarella when I can find it. They are the perfect size and really easy to break up, but they are a little more expensive. You can obviously chop your mozzarella up, just make sure to use the fresh stuff.
I was lazy about shredding carrots, but I WILL shred some cabbage. It is super easy and a head of cabbage is less than a dollar and usually more than you need.
I love purple cabbage and it is so pretty. It adds a great crunch to the salad.
Last but not least, add your lettuce. I always use my tried and true spinach and spring mix mix. Stuff that jar full and don’t be afraid to have it coming out the top!
Seriously, how pretty are these salads?? I just kept looking at them in awe. This combo is really tasty and works really well together. It is also a very economical salad, costing roughly $3.50 a jar. That is less than your cup of Starbucks and it is a very healthy lunch.
Tighten those jars and you are ready for the week! As always, let me know what you think! I am always looking for suggestions to improve existing salads or create new ones. This one will be hard to beat as I am Really Into This Rainbow Salad.

Sarah M
Beautiful salads! The balsamic shake sends it over the top 🙂
So beautiful!! I love your mason jar salads!
Jessica Bierman
Thank you so much! There are more recipes coming!