MTV The Challenge: Vendettas

MTV The Challenge: Vendettas
From MTV:MTV’s “The Challenge: Vendettas” premieres with a vengeance on Tuesday, January 2 at 9pm ET/PT. Twenty-eight players including stars from MTV UK’s “Ex on the Beach” and “Geordie Shore” along with contestants from “Big Brother” will join “The Challenge” fan favorites as they travel to Spain to pursue their personal vendettas against one another. And this season, for the very first time, every player is out solely for themselves not their team. Only one winner will come out on top, competing to win the final prize that has the potential to exceed $500,000.
Why We Love The Challenge
We are Really excited about this season of MTV The Challenge: Vendettas. While we love a good drama (think, The Crown) & we love a good thriller (think, Riverdale) The Challenge is a great way to relax after a long day. This season sounds particularly promising with the addition of UK cast members. Let’s talk all about it.
MTV The Challenge: Vendettas – New Cast Members
Sarah: I like this new format because I need some new drama-filled cast members. You know Johnny Bananas will be there with his tribe of loyal followers & they will likely run The Challenge. There will be some Fresh Meat this season. Ha! See what I did there?
Derek: I am looking forward to some new faces mixed with some old contestants. With each player on his or her own, I have to wonder how that will affect the big team players. I’m looking at you, Johnny Bananas.

Sarah: While Bananas may falter without his team, I think this format will do Really well for little slick, masterminds like Devin. Remember him from AYTO & AYTO: Second Chances? He’s always trying to find an angle & “play the game”.
Derek: It will definitely be interesting to see how & if alliances fall. I agree. If the game is designed to be a stand-alone competition, that will favor Devin.

MTV The Challenge: Vendettas – Rivalries & Jealousy
Sarah: You remember Kam & Alicia from Season 5 of Are you The One, right? Kam was really feeling Eddie & Alicia came from the side & hooked up with him real quick. Although Kam & Alicia were chill in the AYTO house, things quickly turned due to Alicia’s shady behavior. It will be interesting to see how their relationship plays out on this season of MTV The Challenge: Vendettas.

Derek: I am looking forward to seeing some of my all time favorites compete again. You know I’ve been Really Into The Challenges since Day One. Leroy is one of my top pics to win the final. I think he’s the best athlete in the cast.

Derek: Tony is always great to watch because he’s an idiot. He’s highly emotional, volatile, but he seems to try to better himself every season. So far he hasn’t succeeded, but I’m always pulling for the kid. As we know from Dirty Thirty, he’s got kids & I’m sure they could handle some more cash.

Derek: Brad, has been around for a long time. I remember watching him on The Real World: San Diego. One of my favorite Brad moments is when the Miz was still around. Does anyone remember when The Miz gave Brad a wedgie on an Old Challenge. Brad was pissed.
Sarah: Oh, my God! I remember that. Didn’t Brad say something like, “Congratulations son, you’re a meathead. Don’y ever put your hands down my pants again.” Brad was always a favorite. He can get lit & fire on all cylinders, but he’s a great competitor & always seemed like a chill guy. He’s beefed up this season too.

We are Really Into MTV The Challenge: Vendettas because we’ve been Into every other Challenge, so why stop now? Check back with us for recaps & updates throughout the season.
Are there any players you’re rooting for?
The Cast – Vendettas
Joss & Kayleigh are from Ex on the Beach. We learn Joss chested on her. Rogan is from Ex on the Beach & Kyle is from Geordie Shore. Apparently, Rogan slept with Kyle’s girlfriend. Victor & Natalie are both from Big Brother 18. Natalie evicted Victor from Big Brother house. Melissa & Kayleigh are both from Ex on the Beach. They were best friends, but Melissa went after Kayleigh’s boyfriend on the MTV UK show. Kailah did Cara Maria dirty & Britni & Veronica did Leroy dirty, so you know the drama will ensue. Tony & Nelson have always butted heads, so they’re not on good terms. Nelson feels that Shane made a deal against him on Invasion of the Champions, so he is watching him closely. Sylvia & Nicole have issues as well.
The Challenge
The cast is racing 1400 feet to the top of the Rock of Gibraltar. They start at by running through the city, then running through tunnels & eventually making heir way to the top. The winner will get $25,000. The twist is the race occurs at night. The entire cast has a pit stop where they have to hold a case for 6 hours. During this 6 hours, the cast is sizing each other up. We learn Bananas is now single & Britni is liking the look of Brad. This must mean she’s not with Chuck from her season of AYTO, right? The all make it through the 6 hours & start to head back up the Rock in the order in which they arrived. Joss was in the lead the entire race & he finished first with Zach 2nd & Shane 3rd. Nicole is the first finisher for the Ladies. Rogan calls for a medic because his back is hurting and his right leg is going numb. Rogan finishes last along with Nicole & they are both eliminated. TJ tells the cast they are headed to a villa in Marbella, Spain.
The House
Britni & Brad made out & hooked up the first night. We also learn Cory & Alicia are kind of together. Bananas is feeling Natalie. Marie & Kyle make out in the house. That’s about it. Cory is trying to figure out some sort of strategy, so that’s funny to watch.
Best Quote
“I’m here to win & if I have to snake, I’ll snake.” Shane
The Cast – Vendettas
During a previous Challenge, Brad didn’t like the way Tony was talking to Cara Maria. Evidently, he sent out a tweet saying he would send Tony home at the next MTV Challenge. Bananas is taking inventory of all the competitors because he knows these folks will be gunning for him. Bananas is still feeling Natalie & they are flirting poolside. Victor is thinking he needs to stay on Natalie & Bananas good side to stay in the game even though she is his Vendetta.
All the girls are swooning over Joss & I can’t say I blame them. Nelsan & Cory make their alliance known to the cameras. No surprise there. After the Challenge, Cara Maria is feeling Kyle & they are chatting it up when the cast hits up a nightclub. He asks her if she’d like to partake in “sexual intercourse”. Back at the house, they hook-up on a top bunk- sexy!
The Challenge “Who’s Got Balls?”
The Challenge takes place around a giant pit & the First Place Guy & Girl get to split $25,000. The competitors slide down into a pit of foam & soapy water, grab a ball & use a rope to pull themselves to the top. Then they must place the ball in their basket. Whoever gets three balls in the basket first is the winner.
Britni finishes first, Cara Maria second & Kam third for the Women. Bananas finishes first, Kyle second & Brad third for the Men. Nelson comes in last place & he is headed to the Elimination Round. Despite Britni finishing in first place for the Women, she did not beat Brad’s time, so Brad, Bananas & Kyle make-up the Troika this week.
TJ tells us the Troika is made up of the top three finishers. The Troika will decide who enters the elimination round with the last place finisher.This week’s troika is Bananas, Kyle & Brad. Bananas wants to put Cory into the Elimination, and Brad wants to vote for Tony & as a group they add in Victor.
The Inquisition
The Troika meets with the three competitors who were voted in over a Mafia Style dinner. Cory lists a fake alliance between Victor, Shane, Devin & Brad. Victor calls him out on it & no way is Bananas buying this stunt from him. Cory basically looks like a fool.
Elimination at ‘The Ring’
At The Ring, Bananas & Kyle vote Cory into the Elimination with Nelsan. TJ tells us the winner of the Elimination will receive a Grenade that may be used to get back at each competitor’s Vendetta. This is where the episode ends. No elimination, but buddies Nelsan & Cory will face-off next week.
Best Quote
“The eyeballs the size of a full moon.” – Tony talking about Brad.
The Cast – Vendettas
Melissa does a gymnastic move in the house & cuts the top of her foot. Of course, Nicole rushes over to help her. It’s not a bad cut, but the TV docs say that she cannot compete in a challenge this week. This means she forfeits & immediately goes to the Elimination.
Elimination at ‘The Ring’
Nelson & Cory are basically trying to score a soccer goal with a flaming ball. The problem is that they both suck at soccer. Basically, they both suck so bad that TJ removes them as goalies & give them another chance. The challenge becomes Sudden Death. Nelson is able to score a goal, but Cory didn’t even come close. Cory is eliminated & Alicia is sad.
The Challenge “Hashtag Vendetta”
Best Quote
The Cast – Vendettas
The cast hits a club & Nelson & Kayleigh are feeling each other & Nicole is still going after Melissa. Brad talks to Britni about a possible alliance, but he isn’t sure if their games “overlap”. After she wins, Melissa & Nicole hook-up on the top bunk which seems to be this season’s equivalent of the Boom-Boom Room. The house gets pizza delivered. Brad is evidently a PI & sees Marie take a full box of pizza to his room. When she comes back for more pizza, he confronts her. Bananas, Zach & Leroy are planning to send Brad home as soon as they get the chance. Later that night, Marie gets the rest of the pizza boxes. She finds Brad & Britni in bed together & throws the pizza boxes on top of the blankets. Brad gets pissed & she comes back at him saying he doesn’t take care of his kids.
Elimination at ‘The Ring’
This week’s elimination is “Chain Reaction”. Alicia & Melissa will each build a chain ladder by hooking metal pipes through rungs. Whoever reaches the top to ring the bell first is the winner. Melissa takes an early lead & easily beats Alicia.
TJ gives Melissa a Grenade after winning the Elimination Challenge. The Grenades are “Team Up” where you choose the teams for the next challenge, “Money Hungry” where you chose any player to drink a liter of cream before the next challenge or “Sit Out” where you chose a player to sit out of the next challenge. TJ gives her time to think about it & she will choose before the next Challenge. During the Food Wars Challenge, she selects “Team Up”.
The Challenge “Food Wars”
This week’s challenge is Shane’s worst nightmare. Food Wars is a trivia game with seven teams of three & one team of two. The first team to ring in with the correct answer doesn’t have to eat anything gross. The winners can pick a team to sit out with them, giving them a break. Each team must then send a member to eat a food chosen by the team who answered correctly. At the end of the game, the winning team wins $24,000 & the losing team will select one team member to go into the Elimination. Even though it is supposed to be a guys elimination week, TJ says it’s a gender-free week meaning no guy or girl is safe. Melissa used her Grenade to pick the teams. Team 1 is Melissa, Shane & Devin. Team 2 is Leroy, Britni & Kyle. Team 3 is Bananas, Kayleigh & Cara Maria. Team 4 is Brad, Joss & Sylvia. Team 5 is Veronica, Jemmye & Nicole. Team 6 is Tony, Marie & Zach. Team 7 is Natalie, Nelson & Kam. Team 8 is Kailah & Victor.
TJ asks the capital of Spain & Team 3 (Bananas, Kayleigh & Cara Maria) answers “Madrid” correctly. They choose to save Team 2 thinking Leroy will pay the favor back to Bananas. They choose rotten cheese & Nicole, Shane, Tony, Victor, Nelson & Sylvia dig in. The cheese needs to be finished before the end of the timer; otherwise, the team member is out. Tony is the only competitor to finish the cheese in time & the teams of the losers are out of the game.
Question Two is which cast member would make the worst boyfriend? Cory, Tony or Nelson. Bananas rings in again & answers “Tony”. Tony & Leroy head to the table. Because Bananas wants to help Leroy, they select for them to eat marshmallows thinking he will be able to beat Tony. Remember, Tony just ate a huge hunk of rotten cheese. Tony wins again & Leroy’s team is out.
Since there are only two teams left, Cara Maria & Tony must eat a bowl of mayonnaise. He wins & even licks the bowl.
Thanks to Tony, Zach, Tony & Marie win $24,000 & form the Troika. Since there are seven losing teams, the Troika gets to name the losing team that must vote a member into the Elimination Round. They select Team 4 (Brad, Joss & Sylvia). Brad & Joss look at each other. Brad votes Sylvia & Joss follows Brad & votes Sylvia as well. Now, the Troika will vote three girls into the Elimination Round.
Best Quote
“You’re on my hit list, put me on yours.” Brad to Marie.
“I’m telling you it is the hardest thing to do, is to put that mayo in your mouth & just swallow it.” Tony
The Cast – Vendettas
Sylvia is sick, but she still has to compete in the Elimination. Zach, Marie & Tony ask her who she wants the Troika to vote in. Sylvia selects Kayleigh & Melissa & tells the Troika to pick the third. Brad tries to sweet talk Tony into note voting Britni into the Elimination. Tony, Bananas & Leroy have a good laugh about it.
Tony, Zach, Tony & Marie make-up the Troika. They decide to vote in Kayleigh, Melissa & Britni.
Melissa says it would be “bad karma” to put her in the ring since she chose the teams for the “Food Wars” challenge from Episode 4. Zach questions her motives with Nicole, but she doesn’t spill the beans. Kayleigh basically says the Melissa plays people by sleeping around. Britni says she has no idea with she was voted in. Britni tries to play as though she & Brad are a power couple saying they would return the favor if she was “thrown a bone”.
The Drama
The cast hits up a nightclub. Britni talks Tony up to save her own ass. Leroy is hoping Britni goes in because she is his Vendetta & he wants to break up the alliance she has with Brad. Melissa is grinding on Nelson while Kayleigh is trying to set Nicole straight that Melissa is playing her.
After the club, Kam asks Melissa if she wants to know more about her reputation in the house. They are in each other faces & it gets real when Melissa dramatically puts her hair up in a scrunchie. Melissa puts her hands behind her back and pushes up on Kam & it’s about to go down. Jemmye jumps in the middle of them in attempt to break it up & make sure Kam doesn’t take it further. Kyle jumps in as well to bring Melissa to the side. Kailah gets in on the action & tells Melissa she will “F*ck her up”.
The next morning, Melissa calls Kam a bully & warns her to stay away. Bananas is over the drama (for once) & tells Kam it’s “f*cking annoying”.
Elimination at ‘The Ring’
Right up to the Elimination, the Troika is still deciding who to vote in. Tony kinds of wants to give Sylvia who she asked for (Melissa or Kayleigh) but they are also thinking they could blow the whole game up by voting in Britni. They all want to be on the same page with the decision. Ultimately, they all select Melissa.
This week’s elimination is “Oil & Water”. TJ introduces a giant oil pit with a pegboard. TJ will release a ball down the board into the pit. Both of the ladies must be on their knees the entire time to fight for the ball & place it in their respective barrels to win. The first to score 3 times wins.
Melissa scores first. For the second ball, Melissa is kneeing Sylvia, pulling her hair, biting & playing it pretty rough. It looks as though Sylvia might score, but Melissa swings her leg around & kicks her in the face. The second go-around becomes a dead ball. Next ball, Sylvia scores so it’s 1-1. Sylvia scores next making it 2-1. It seems Nicole is the only one cheering for Melissa. Sylvia gets the third ball in the barrel & pulls out a win.
As the winner of the Elimination, Sylvia wins her pick of the Cash (steal $10,000 from a player), Endure (have a player do an endurance task before the next Challenge) or Order Up (Pick the Order for the Challenge) Grenades. She makes it clear she will be coming for Joss & Brad.
Best Quote
“Finally some god damn fireworks.” Devin talking about Melissa & Kam
“Girls, remember at all times you must stay on your knees.” TJ giving instructions for the Elimination Challenge.
The Cast – Vendettas
Someone leaves a note on Britni’s bed saying that all the girls in Britni’s room are talking trash about her. These girls include Cara Maria, Veronica, Jemmye & of course, Britni. Shane was in the room laying down with a face mask, so he didn’t see anything, but he thinks he heard someone walking in flip-flops. No one cops to writing the note.
Meanwhile, Devin, Victor, Shane, Nelson & Brad are trying to create an alliance against Bananas.
Because Sylvia is sick, her Grenade is a dud, so the rest of the cast is off the hook. Damn! What a waste
The Challenge “Gasping For Air”
This challenge is intense. It takes place 15 feet underwater, in open water at night! There are 2 yachts & 15 feet deep there are 2 lines connecting the yachts. The lines have metal rings & the competitors have to swim down & move the rings from one yacht to another as fast as possible. There are breathing stations along the way, but if they come up for air, they are eliminated. There are 4 teams & the fastest team wins $25,000. Team 1 is Brad, Nelson, Kayleigh, Kam & Marie. Team 2 is Josh, Victor, Britni, Cara Maria & Veronica. Team 3 is Shane, Nicole, Jemmye, Devin & Leroy. Team 4 is Bananas, Kyle, Zach, Kailah & Tony. TJ says the teams were picked at random. *Sylvia & Natalie are on Doctor’s orders to sit this one out due to illness.*
Team 1: Brad makes it all the way (150 feet). Nelson, Kayleigh & Kam are all out at zero feet. Marie only makes it 5 feet.
Team 2: Joss is out immediately because his goggles fill with water. Victor makes it all the way. Britni makes it 35 feet before coming up for air. Cara Maria & Veronica both make it zero feet.
Team 3: Shane makes it all the way & beats Bananas in the head to head. Nicole makes it 80 feet. Jemmye makes it 40 feet. Devin makes it 15 feet. Leroy made it 12 feet! Way to go, Leroy!
Team 4: Bananas makes it all the way (behind Shane). Kyle makes it 50 feet. Zach makes it 45 feet. Kailah makes it 20 feet. Tony makes it all the way, even with skipping a few breathing stations (on accident).
Team 4 is the winning team & they will split $25,000.
Team 1 is the losing team & must pick a guy to send to the Elimination. Nelson votes for Brad & Brad votes for him. Kam, Kayleigh & Marie all vote for Brad too.
Kyle, Tony & Bananas make up the Trokia this week & it’s a guy’s elimination week. Kyle wants to put Shane in because he thinks he is a “dickhead”. Bananas wants to vote Victor in because he thinks Victor is smarter than him. The final choices are Shane, Victor & Devin. After the choices are revealed, Brad thinks he will beat any of the three guys.
The Inquisition
Bananas wants the three guys to “spill the tea”. Shane deflects saying that he’s not out to get Bananas. Victor is cool & calm which rattles Bananas further. Devin says nobody is gunning for Tony & Kyle, then Tony throws out dome 90’s Chicago Bulls references, which has Kyle befuddled.
The Drama
Later at the nightclub, Bananas & Kayleigh are flirting. Devin sees it & thinks they have a secret hook-up going on. Victor talks one on one with Bananas about not going into the Elimination & Shane comes running & confronts Victor. Shane calls him a kiss ass & he is all bent out of shape.
Best Quote
Devin calling Bananas “the uncreative loser that he is” with his cop analogy.
Tony – “I’m Scottie Pippen & this mother fucker is Dennis Rodman, do you know who he is?” Talking about Kyle & Bananas at the Inquisition.
Elimination ‘Troubled Water’
Bananas selects Victor to go into the Elimination against Brad & Tony & Kyle follow suit. TJ explains each competitor must stand in an elevated tank of water & splash out about half until it reaches a red line. Then, they will have a hammer to break out the bottom of the tank to free themselves. The winner stays in the game & wins a Grenade.
Victor is mainly using his hands to get the water out of the tank, but Brad is doing this weird squat/chest thrust repeatedly at a diagonal in the square box. He’s trying to create as big of waves as he can within the tiny box. Brad narrowly beats Victor & is awarded a Grenade.
The Grenade choices are ‘Time Crunch’ which lets you add time to someone’s total from that day. “Sit Out” where you chose a player to sit out of the next challenge. “Blindside” where somebody has to compete in the next challenge blindfolded.
The Drama
OMG- there is another note found in the Blue Room. Bananas takes all the credit for these notes. Evidently, he had his sister write them up before he even came out to the Challenge. Cara Maria & Kyle are still hooking up & she feels being with his is helping her game.
The Challenge “Puppet Master”
Sylvia is out of the game due to medical reasons. When the cast arrives, there are large photos of CT & Aneesa. This challenge is played in 2 teams at a castle. Scattered about are giant puzzle pieces & the goal is to retrieve the puzzle pieces as fast as possible. The pieces will assemble a puppet of either CT or Aneesa & you then hoist you puppet up with cables. TJE then says this is a double elimination- both girls & guys. To shake things up further, the Troika picks the teams.
Blue Team: Leroy, Kam, Nelson, Zach, Britni, Kailah, Joss, Marie, Devin & Veronica
Green Team: Shane, Tony, Kayleigh, Bananas, Kyle, Brad, Nicole, Cara Maria, Natalie & Jemmye
Brad uses the “Time Crunch” Grenade on Kam, so her team gets an extra minute on their total time.
The teams are chained together, so to win, they have to communicate well trying to get these puzzle pieces. The Green Team wins.
Bananas gives up his place in the Trokia to Nicole. Tony, Kyle & Nicole make up the Troika. Nicole immediately wants to vote Shane in. Kyle is gunning to vote in Nelson & Devin’s name gets thrown in again. Tony thinks Kam will beat Veronica, so she wants to vote her in. Kyle wants to vote Marie, but Nicole isn’t down with it.
Ultimately, Devin, Shane & Nelson are voted in along with Kam, Natalie & Kayleigh.
The Cast – Vendettas
Devin, Kyle & Britni call out Natalie on being in an alliance with Bananas. She calls Devin a bully & thinks she is playing both sides of the fence. Bananas gets involved and Devin says he wants Bananas mad at him so he might slip up & make a mistake in the game.
Elimination – Meet the Mercenaries
The Green Team has to vote 1 guy & 1 girl into the Elimination. Nelson votes Leroy & Marie. Joss votes Leroy & Veronica. Zach votes Joss & Veronica. Devin votes for Leroy & Veronica. Leroy votes Joss & Kailah. Kailah votes for Joss & Veronica. Kam votes for Joss & Veronica. Britni votes for Joss & Kam. Veronica votes for Joss & Kam. Marie votes for Joss & Veronica. So, Joss & Veronica are headed to the Elimination Round.
At the Elimination, Kyle votes Shane & Kam. Tony votes Shane & Kam. Nicole votes Shane & Kam.
All of a sudden, Jordan, Aneesa, Tori & Derrick come out dressed in black as “The Mercenaries”. The foursomes will battle each other in “Crazy 8”. TJ flips a coin & Derrick & Joss will faceoff & Shane will face Jordan. Veronica will faceoff against Aneesa & Kam & Tori face each other. Jordan beats Shane & sends him home. Veronica & Aneesa face off, but we don’t know who wins.
Best Quote
“I’m leaving with more Vendettas than Friendships.” – Shane
Veronica has a nasty finger fracture and cannot hold onto the “8”, so she has to leave the Elimination Round & go home.
Tori is here to face Kam. Tori scores first & Kam scores second & third, so Kam stays in the house. Next, Joss & Derrick face-off. Derrick basically grabs the “8” & hits the ground. Joss has to lift Derrick to get any control of the 8. We all know that Derrick is a bad-ass, but Joss is a big dude, but Derrick is scrappy as hell. TJ finally stops the battle & does a sudden death round. Derek’s eye gets cut & is bleeding, but they are still going strong over 11 rounds in. Joss grabs the “8” & gets out of the ring & he thinks the challenge is over. But, Derrick is still in the ring & he runs over & grabs the “8” and pulls out a win. Don’t sleep in this game, Joss. This was a battle for the history books- both these guys are unreal!
We say goodbye to Shane, Veronica & Joss. Shane asks TJ when they get their money, but the joke is on them. Because they are eliminated, they do not get their winnings, & the money will go into the final pot.
Kam wins a Grenade & can choose between “Lube Up” (oiling someone up head to toe lube before the Challenge), “Endure” (30 burpees prior to the Challenge) or “Flip Out” (wear Flippers the entire Challenge).
Back at the house, Natalie tries to get some intro from Kam about the grenade and tries to make a deal with her. Cara Maria tells Kyle that she’s ready to face Kam in the Elimination Round. Cara Maria is convinced that Kam is gunning for her
There are several cars hanging above the water. There will be two teams & each tea has to make their way across the hanging traffic jam. The fastest time wins and the team with the slowest time has to vote someone into the Elimination Round.
Kam throws the Grenade at Cara Maria and decides to lube her up. Cara Maria says that she will ask to face Kam in the Elimination ROund if given the chance. TJ then says it’s going to be raining throughout the entire challenge. Also, the cars are slick, which makes the challenge even harder.
Heat One: Cara Maria, Nelson, Bananas & Natalie & Zach, Tony, Kailah & Nicole
Kailah & Natalie fall into the water pretty quickly. Nelson is making progress alongside Zach, but then Zach breaks out the back windshield to one of the cars. Zach & Nelson finish the course. Nicole, Bananas & Cara Maria are eliminated. Tony is disqualified because he grabs onto the chains.
Heat Two: Jemmye, Kam, Marie & Brad & Kayleigh, Kyle, Leroy & Devin
Jimmy & Kayleigh are both disqualified because they refuse to even attempt to jump to the second car. Kam follows suit & doesn’t attempt the jump, Kyle & Marie both fall. Leroy is making progress, but he has a super nasty fall & lands facedown in water & lays in the water lifeless. The paramedics take Leroy away in an ambulance. Devin & Brad both fall & are eliminated.
Bananas, Nelson, Natalie & Cara Maria win the Challenge. Bananas push for himself, Nelson &Nataliee to go into the Troika, which leaves Cara Maria out. Bananas say they will keep her safe, but she’s not so sure.
Kam, Jemmye, Brad & Marie are the losing team, so they have to vote a girl into the Elimination Round. Brad votes for Marie. Because Kam and Marie are in an alliance, Marie says no way is she voting for Kam. She gave Kam her word that she would never put her up for Elimination. Well, the votes are tied & it’s up to Kam. If Kam votes for Jemmye- it ties the game up & the vote would then go to the Troika and likely all three girls would be at risk for elimination. So, to protect herself, Kam votes for Marie. Marie is pissed.
“I’ve never met such an angry little person in my life.” Joss talking about the Beast that is Derrick!
Kailah is thinking Kam is going to flip on her too, just like she flipped on Marie during the last elimination. Natalie tries to set up some sort of mini alliance with Cara Maria & Jemmye. Kailah then goes to Johnny Bananas to plead that she should not go into the Elimination. Kyle agrees that Kailah is two-faced. Bananas basically says go talk to Natalie. Marie is going around trying to save herself, but there is no way Nelson is voting in Kayleigh.
Natalie wants to send in Kailah, Nicole & Kam to The Inquisition. Nelson fights really hard to keep Kam in because she saved him. Nelson then starts pushing for Cara Maria, but Johnny & Natalie don’t want to send her in because she was part of their winning team. Ultimately, the select Kailah, Nicole & Cara Maria.
Bananas tells them that Natalie picked them & they have her back. Nelson calls out Kailah & Cara Maria on their alliances. Nelson takes full responsibility for putting Cara Maria up on the block.
Later at the house, Kam tries to convince Natalie to put in Nicole against Marie. She’s thinking the task will be a puzzle & is confident Marie can beat Nicole.
At the Elimination Challenge, Natalie chooses Kailah “because its best for her game”. Bananas backs her play, so it’s Kailah & Marie.
Kailah & Marie are trapped int these large straw baskets & they each have to fight their way out of the basket. Once out of the basket, they will have to put together a puzzle. Marie REALLY struggles to get out of the basket. Kailah completed the puzzle before Marie even gets started on it.
Kailah will select 3 Grenades & her choices are “Cash Up” & she can take ALL of any player’s money. “Team Up” means she can pick the teams at the next Challenge. “Put Up or Shut Up'” Pick any player that has to win a spot into the Troika or has to go directly to The Inquisition.
Leroy is BACK & Kailah uses her Grenade to choose the teams. There will be two teams & two players from each team will be designated to pick up players from each team when they “fall on their asses.” The winning team will win $25,000 & the losing team will be choosing a team member to go into the Elimination.
Green Team: Leroy, Bananas, Nelson, Devin, Cara Maria, Britni, Jemmye & Kayleigh.
Blue Team: Zach, Tony, Brad, Kyle, Kailah, Kam, Natalie & Nicole.
Bananas is injured & he’s not too happy with his team. Devin is able to push the ball into the goal to score first for the Green Team. Tony scores the first goal for the Blue Team. Zach scores the second goal and the Blue Team wins, so Kailah’s Grenade paid off.
The Blue Team forms the Trokia. Although Brad fights hard to be in the Troika, Kailah, Zach & Tony win out.
Cara Maria & Leroy vote for Devin to go in & Nelson & Britni vote for Bananas. Jemmye & Kayleigh are the deciding votes. Jemmye votes to send Devin in. Although Nelson thinks Kayleigh will vote his way against Bananas, she selects Devin to go into the Elimination.
“Looks to me like you gave up.” TJ to Marie
“This is what happens when you play with your heart. You get blinded.” Nelson talking about Kayleigh voting to send Devin in instead
It’s between Leroy or Nelson for Tony. Kailiah is all for Devin’s plan to vote Bananas into the Elimination. Tony thinks Johnny is a big brother to him (how I’m not sure) but Tony is really reluctant to vote him in. Zach says he would consider throwing Bananas into the Elimination, but he doesn’t think this is the right time. Bananas, Leroy & Nelson are voted in by the Troika. Johnny isn’t happy he’s voted in, but Zach guarantees him that he will be safe and that they will “100%” vote in Nelson to go against Devin into the Elimination.
Tony wants the three guys to spill the dirt at the Inquisition. Johnny basically tells Tony that he will be doing the Challenged for a long time to come, so he warns Tony not to cross him.
Devin wants to split up Devin & Kayleigh because Kayleigh voted him into the Elimination. He also wants to get Bananas “shook” so he throws out a rumor that Kayleigh & Bananas shared a “secret hook-up”. Nelson shares the intel with Britni & Nicole. Nelson goes right to Natalie & tells her that he knows Kayleigh & Bananas are hooking up. Nelson tells Natalie this in front of Johnny.
Johnny says no way he’s hooking up with Kayleigh because he’s barely making out with Natalie. Kayleigh says nothing really happened besides a kiss. Devin is sitting back happy that the house is in turmoil. With no proof whatsoever, Kailiah gets all fired up saying that she believes the rumor is true.
Kyle comes up to Tony & basically says, let’s get Bananas out. Tony knows that if Banans goes to the Elimination & comes back, there will be hell to pay. Jemmye says that Kayleigh is rubbing her the wrong way and Natalie gets in on the action. Bananas talks to Kayleigh and Bananas denies kissing her AT ALL and says that she made the story up in her head. He refuses to cop to anything. At the club, Kaailiah tells Kayleigh that she’s kicked out of the room & that no one cares about her.
Once home, Kailah, Britni & Jemmye pick up Kayleigh’s bed and throw it over the railing to land in the living room. Natalie stands right there and although she doesn’t help them, she doesn’t try to stop them either. Kayleigh is pissed & Kam comes in with the truth & tells them they went too far. Kailiah & Jemmye think they’ve done nothing wrong despite everyone agreeing that they went too far.
Natalie & Nelson are talking and Natalie is upset that Johnny has not talked to her about the rumors. Bananas won’t talk to Natalie because he has “nothing to say”.
Zach votes for Nelson, Kailah votes for Bananas & in a HUGE TURN OF EVENTS, Tony votes in Bananas! For the Elimination, there are these huge light-up boards. The first person to light up their entire board will win. The Challenge is pretty close. DEVIN WINS!
Right after the Elimination, Kayleigh says she is packing her bags & headed home. I really hate to see her leave like this. She was for sure bullied & it isn’t right.
“I can show up in a wheelchair and beat Devin.” – Johnny Bananas
Nelson & Natalie are getting closer & Devin is on the high of beating Bananas. It’s Nicole’s birthday, so the girls make her a birthday cake.
For this challenge, the crew will have to stack pallets high enough to raise the Spanish flag. On the beach, the team will move pallets from one end to the other. Players can steal other pallets from other teams. The first team to stack at least 45 pallets and raise the flag will win. This is a double elimination week & the losing team will have to send one guy & one girl into the Elimination Round. Devin has a Grenade to spend from winning the Elimination last week. Devin chooses to pick the teams with the goal to screw over Leroy by putting him with Jemmye.
Red Team – Nelson, Kailah, Brad, Kam & Devin
Green Team – Nicole, Natalie, Zach, Tony & Britni
Blue Team – Leroy, Cara Maria, Kyle & Jemmye
Initially, the girls are all stealing pallets from one another. Brad & Nelson gas out real quick & Zach goes into beast mode. Green Team wins first, with the Blue Team in second & Devin’s hand-picked Red Team in the last place. The Green Team wins $25,000 & will form the Troika.
Zach wants Natalie in the Troika because she will do whatever they tell them since Bananas is gone. Tony, Zach & Natalie will make up the Troika.
Brad votes Nelson & Kam. Nelson votes Brad & Kam. Devin votes Brad & Kam. Kailah votes Brad & Kam. Kam votes Brad & Kailah. Since this is a double elimination week, TJ tells the teams there will be no Inquisition this week. Zach wants to get rid of Britni. Tony & Zach are gunning for Nelson.
The Troika votes in Nelson, Kyle & Leroy & Jemmye, Britni & Cara Maria.
At the Elimination, Natalie chooses Nelson along with Tony & Zach because they were her “teammates”. They also vote in Britni despite having given her their word that she would be safe. Remember now, she was on the winning team with them. Guess what, TJ brings back 4 Mercenaries: Frank, Darrell, Ashley & Laurel. Nicole starts crying because she & Laurel dated & broke up.
Yankin’ My Chain
The 2 competitors are tethered together and race around a large metal ring. To the side of the ring, there are bells & the first competitor to ring their bell wins. Kam will compete against Ashley & Britni will compete against Laurel. Brad & Frank will face off & Nelson will face Darrell. Brad & Kam make easy work beating Frank & Ashley. They both earn a Grenade.
Darrell & Nelson go at it for 20 minutes & TJ stops the clock to reset them. He then says that’s it, no more breaks & then after over 40 minutes, he calls it a draw. Nelson is still in the game, but doesn’t win a Grenade because he technically didn’t “win”.
Laurel beats Britni & she’s pissed. Zach, Tony & Natalie said they would keep her safe, but that doesn’t mean anything in this game.
“I’ma smile in her face and when I do have the chance to put a knife in her back, it’s definitely going in deep.” Nelson talking about Natalie.
For this challenge, TJ has the challengers dive into the open water, grab a ball & place it in a net. The more balls in the net will raise the treasure chest. The fastest team will win. The troika gets to pick the teams, but first, & Brad & Kam get to use their Grenades. Kam uses her “Time’s Up” Grenade on Cara Maria, so Cara Maria geta an extra minute added to her time. Brad uses his “All Tied Up” Grenade on Kyle, & TJ tells Kyle he can’t swim with his legs tied together, so he is out of the competition.
Natalie, Tony & Zach picks the teas as follows: Team 1: Zach, Tony, Natalie, Jemmye, Nicole, Brad & Devin. Team 2 is Cara Maria, Kyle, Nelson, Leroy, Kam & Kailah. Team 1 finishes in 15 minutes 35 seconds & Team 2 doesn’t even come close.
The losing Team has to vote a girl into the Elimination. Kailah, Nelson & Kyle vote for Cara Maria but Cara Maria, Kyle & Kailah vote for Cara Maria. The decision ultimately goes to the Troika & they choose Kam to go into the Elimination.
Even though it’s a girl’s elimination week, Team 1 creates a troika of Zach, Brad & Tony. They promise Jemmye & Natalie that they will be safe.
While Natalie puts up a good argument that she’s a supreme athlete and that she’s proven herself, the Troika votes her into the Elimination Challenge to face Kam.
Kam and Natalie have to cross these tightwires & whoever does it the fastest wins. Kam pulls out the win again & sends Natalie home.
The pre-final challenge arrives. TJ tells the competitors to race one mile uphill to the other side of a bridge, they catch a zip line 300 feet up in the air, then they repel 300 feet down. The fastest guy & the fastest girl will split $25,000 & the slowest will go home. Kam uses her Grenade to take Devin’s cash since she can’t touch the Troika’s money. Everyone competes, but TJ is gonna make us wait until next week to see who’s going forward & who’s going home.
Best Quote
“I sent Bananas home. I deserve to go to the Czech Republic.” Devin
The Elimination Challenge – Outside the Box
This challenge is played as individuals. Competitors will go two at a time, & will be hanging on a cord on the side of a large truck. The trucks go 50 miles an hour and they have to weave between these highly stacked pylons. If they hit a pylon, they will earn points. The player with the lesser amount of points will win this challenge. Zach makes it through unscathed & Leroy hits 2 pylons. Nelson earns 7 points & Kyle has zero points & both Brad & Tony both make it through with zero points. Nicole hits zero boxes & Kam hits a pylon and earns 4 points Cara Maria & Kailah both make it through with zero points. Because there were so many people that made it through, TJ runs them through again, but faster.
On the second run, Nicole earns 5 points, Kailah earns 2 points & Cara Maria earns 4 points. Kyle & Zach both earn 5 points each. Tony earns 4 points & Brad earns 7 points. After the Challenge, TJ says the last place guy is out of the game, so we said goodbye to Nelson. Because there are only 4 girls left, all of the girls will make it to the Final.
Tony, Kailah & Cara Maria will make up the Troika this game. The Troika has to immediately nominate 3 guys into the Troika. Cara Maria & Kailah want to keep Zach in so they can team up with him later. So, Kyle, Leroy & Brad are voted into the Inquisition.
Brad plays the family card & Kyle is sleeping with Cara Maria, so he shouldn’t be voted in. Leroy says he took all his hits in stride this challenge, so they should keep him. The twist is, the Troika gets to choose who they are going to save. Cara Maria picks Kyle & Leroy is pissed. Kailah votes to save Leroy. Tony votes to save Kyle.
Brad & Leroy face off, first breaking through a wall, then the second wall. This is some Hulk stuff for real. Next. they have to punch through 2 balls. Leroy wins & Brad is sent packing.
This challenge will take place on an obstacle course at Kost Castle. TJ then brings out Bananas & Melissa. The remaining competitors will have to face them in the Dungeon. Leroy is pumped because he knows Bananas will go after Tony & Zach, so he’s thinking he will have an advantage. With 8 competitors remaining, TJ says there is only room for 4 in the final. The competitors begin the challenge by having shackles place on their ankles & they start running. Each competition has a bucket full of torches & an empty bucket of torches. The competitors can move each other torches to make the challenge more difficult. Tony & Zach quickly work against Leroy because they know he will likely have an advantage when it’s time to face Bananas in the Dungeon. Nicole moves Cara Maria’s torch & she is pissed. With the guys fighting each other, Kyle quickly gets in the lead with Leroy in 2nd place. Nicole rolls her ankle in the mud, starts crying & calls a Medic. After checking her out, the medic recommends Nicole not to continue, so she leaves the competition on a 4 wheeler. The rest of the gang puts on armor & attempt to finish the course.
One the competitors reach the Dungeon, they see Johnny & Melissa. The trick is Johnny flips over a card and each competition chooses high or low for the next card & it’s best out of 3. If the competition loses, Bananas can use a Grenade on them. Kyle, Leroy, Zach & Tony make it through without a Grenade. Cara Maria & Kailiah win the card game & are on their way. Kam loses the card game and Melissa chooses for her to bury a log.
There are several swords stuck in holes in a pegboard. You face off against a competitor & the loser has to eat or drink something off a table. Leroy wins his face-off against Kyle, so he is in the lead & Kyle has to eat cheese. Cara Maria & Zach face off & they play niche & Cara Maria only has to drink hot chocolate. Tony has to wait for Kailah to arrive and they face-off. They play nicely to try to save time. Tony tells Kailah to drink hot chocolate & Kam is in last place. There is no one to face Kam since Nicole is out. so she moves all the swords to the bucket and proceeds forward.
Zach is the first to finish with Kyle behind him in 2nd & Leroy in 3rd & Tony in 4th. Cara Maria is the first to finish for the girls with Kailah in 2nd & Kam in 3rd. Each competitor gets to keep the money he or she has earned up to this point. 1st place today will win $370,000. Zach & Cara Maria get to start with a small lead. First, the competitors need to memorize an answer key with colored dots. Then, they proceed to run between the answer key & the game board. At the end of the episode, Zach & Cara Maria have each made one error, but are so close to finishing.
“I guess Tony’s Time is up.” – Tony
Lots of shade thrown around by everyone. Brad & Britni are still going strong. Kayleigh threw Nelson under the bus. Cara Maria & Kyle are done. Bananas is still pissed at Tony & he & Devin still can’t stand each other. Nicole says she kissed Cara Maria & hooked up with Jemmye in the house.
Marie says that over half the house had a Vendetta against Cara Maria. Sylvia also points out Kyle has hair plugs. We rehash a bunch of BS from the season including Marie throwing pizzas (again), Melissa & Kam & Kyle & Cory. Miz talks about Kayleigh & Bananas. Natalie says she’s fine with it now, but earlier she had feelings for Bananas. Tony & Melissa both say there is no truth to the rumor of them hooking up. We relived Shane and Natalie getting into it as well as Nelly & Cara Maria. FINALLY, we get to see the winner of The Challenge Vendettas & it is Cara Maria.